Client Name : Vayu Motors


Business Information: Client is into the manufacturing of EVehicles.


Client Requirement : Website Design & Development


Challenges: Client was looking for the best UI that suits their business with interactive interface. They already had a website which was not mobile friendly & UI was not good.


Before our work:



  • The website was not user friendly & got alignment issues.
  • Was not SEO friendly
  • Improper color combinations & images were not relevant
  • Loading speed was very low
  • Was not device responsive.


Our Approach:


  • We met with the client & discussed his pain points regarding the website part.
  • The business development team thoroughly noted down the requirements & took forward it to their creative team.
  • Once, the wire frame was done it was pushed into development phase.
  • It took us 2 weeks to come up with the best UI of website as per the client inputs.


After our work:

Solution Oriented:


  • Now , the website is 100% responsive & user friendly.
  • Alignment Issues were fixed.
  • Contact us page was integrated with CRM for leads follow up.
  • Social Media Pages also created & integrated with website.




  • Website is listed on the search engine results.
  • Loading speed issue resolved.
  • Got social media presence.
  • Improved performance on servers while loading the content.


Outcome on testing the website performance:

Happy Client: Mr. Amit Reddy (CEO, Vayu Motors) is the son of Mr. K R Suresh Reddy , Member of Parliament & Rajya Sabha Member from TRS Party, Telangana . Recently, they revealed the brand “Vayu Motors” in the public with the presence of IT Minister of Telangana Mr. Kalvakuntla Taraka Rama Rao (KTR).