
PrepBuddies is India’s 1st E-Portal Where You can prepare for exams and can earn while preparing for exams like JKSSB that primarily operates in Jammu & Kashmir.


PrepBuddies, though we’re in the sector for many years, apart from getting very few direct queries and organic engagement, they did not have much of a digital presence. The client wants some other alternative to compete in the sector to generate more leads and mark a solid presence on social media platforms. 


Our expert team immediately tackled the main issues of the client at the very beginning by creating better images and posts for social media and thus increasing the chance of getting better organic leads and a live social media presence. Then based on the requirements of the client and the research we conducted, we created a solid social media campaign focusing on the three-course the client provides. With the most suit creatives and perfect strategy, we managed to get 2x good quality leads for the clients.


The Company’s overall course sales increased by 35% and the number of organic leads doubled in no time. The engagement posts on social media also managed to get some leads for the clients helping them to have a solid social media presence.