Client Name: Thinkway

Industry: Real Estate Agency

Requirement: Facebook Ads and Social Media Marketing


  • The Thinkway real estate agency wanted to leverage Facebook’s global reach to increase engagement with prospective homebuyers, local New Yorkers, and the real estate industry in general, and strengthen its online brand. 

Our Approach:

  • Create a community where people start a conversation and ask, “How does it feel to live in New York?” can discuss.
  • Connect with a larger group of people interested in buying homes before they decide to contact an agent
  • Raise awareness of the Corcoran Community Centre and provide information about the agent’s activities.


  • Compared to other advertising platforms, Facebook now has twice the traffic
  • 2 in organic search results for Corcoran’s Facebook Page, second only to the brokerage’s own website
  • 6x higher reach for posts on days when ads are running
  • 10x more pageviews from your Facebook Page when ads appear